Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 9 - 10, Zürich, Switzerland

AirBerlin continued to impress us, delivering us swiftly and without a hitch to Zurich, which had pretty much the same weather as Spain (=hot and sunny). Swiss public transport also did not disappoint and we dropped our bags at Claudia's place shortly after 3pm from where, without much ado, we headed out to Stephanie and Dennis to enjoy the first summer barbecue. The conservatory/balcony/terrace proved to be a great venue, with the sun blazing and the built-in fireplace producing tasty grilled fare right by the dining table. Between us, Claudia, Steffi, Dennis, Jens, Max, Claudia and Mark there were loads of updates to cover, so time flew by quickly. To top things up, Barca gave ManU a thorough beating in the CL final, which received widespread approval. Claudia and Gerard dropped by around midnight, just as the party was winding down - so on the way home the four of us stopped by the city center a quick exploration of late Zurich nightlife.

Making the best of the good weather, we decided to meet up at the Viadukt/Markthalle for an outdoor brunch the next morning. Very tasty food indeed, but a preview of what Swiss prices are like. Afterwards we strolled to a nice little place by the river, which Foursquare aptly refered to as the hipster place in Zurich, but which was very nice nonetheless. Despite being tempted, nobody decided to jump in, so we restrained ourselves to a drink and some more talking and lazying around in the sunshine. We also ran into Gerard and some friends, but didn't have too much time to chat, as our train to Montreux was departing in the early afternoon. Picking up our bags and saying good-bye to Claudia were the last things on our agenda, before heading south on the ever efficient Swiss train system.

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