Thursday, July 07, 2011

Day 46 - 48, Lima

Having friends in many places can be difficult, but it has its clear benefits. In this case, we were picked up at the airport by a private driver, courtesy of Mirko, a friend of Yeya from high school. We also got to stay at his great apartment with view over the golf course in the centre of city. Nice!

After salivating over the lunch menu at Segundo Muelle for about 20 minutes and eating for two hours, we savoured the wide selection of seafood available. By evening we were again good to go out with Mirko into one of the in-neighbourhoods in Lima for some food and cocktails.

Sleeping in a super-comfortable bed was really nice, but unfortunately we had picked up some nasty bug the day before, so neither of us felt like doing much throughout the day. We mainly hung out in bed, used the web, slept some more and watched TV. When Mirko came back home later, we still weren't up for much unfortunately, although we made it up for some tea and soup in the evening and Yeya and Mirko shared some extensive memories and caught up the whereabouts and developments of common friends.

We were quite disappointed that we didn't get to sample the food in Lima more, since we had had excellent food in Peru so far and Lima is supposed to be by far the best city (food-wise) in the country. At least we recovered enough to head out for lunch the next day to meet Deb, a friend of Yeya from her stay in Argentina. We got to see the Lima Google office (which is tiny for now) and also got a feel for the business district of Lima, walking through the area littered with shopping malls and office buildings. After lunch the main thing left to do was to catch up with Mirko one more time to say bye and then grab a taxi to the airport for our long flight back to Europe. We had thoroughly enjoyed our time in South America, but were excited for seeing everyone again on the next part of trip: Turkey.

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