Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 53 - 59, Bodrum, Turkey

On Monday we started part two of our stay in Turkey, heading down to the southern coast, more specifically the city of Bodrum. We had planned to spend some more time with Thomas and Gökce after the wedding and had all agreed on a four day boat trip, aka honeymoon with friends.

Our travels brought us to the world's best airport (according to them)for our short flight to Bodrum. Our hotel, booked the day before was nice and simple, but we didn't spend much time there anyway and headed out for dinner to the much posher Doria hotel, where the others were staying. A georgous pool terrace, a gentle, warm wind and a fantastic view onto the bay and city made a great setting for the conclusion of the day.

The next day started out hot, only to get very hot. As we arrived at our meeting point, I sweated my heart out and it didn't get better when I had to walk to the ATM to get the remaining money needed to pay for the boat trip. Only a substantial amount of water and ice tea was able to cool us down again. Gökhan and Vural had arrived before us, so we chatted while the others navigated hotel issues and other hurdles. Finally, everybody had arrived and we boarded the boat, only to then send out a delegation to buy the required liquids. 1.5 hours and 500TL later, we were all set to sail. Once we left the marina, the wind picked up and in combination with the water, temperatures on board started to become acceptable, if not quite reasonable. The first stop that day led to the first (but certainly not last) jump into the Mediterranean Sea. It was a delight to wash off the sweat worked up throughout the day and we all felt majorly refreshed afterwards.

After our swim, we started to fall into what would become a repeating pattern for the next three days. A period of sailing was followed by a stop in a protected bay. Swimming and jumping from the boat ensued, followed by a short drying period. Next up was normally a very tasty (and healthy) meal, skillfully prepared by the crew. Most people would then take a rest either reading or sleeping, while the crew would get the boat ready for the next leg of sailing. Rinse, lather, repeat. Rinse, lather, repeat. As a result, we literally didn't do anything for the four days of the trip. The activity highlight was a brief land excursion, which ended in more or less artistically performed football kicks off a swimming platform in the harbour. Nonetheless there were achievements, including three books and plenty magazines read, various games of skat played and pülnüdel experiments conducted. I also celebrated my birthday on the last day of the cruise, complete with singing, presents and a birthday cake! Combine that with the nicest company imaginable, 33°C, a light breeze, four swims during the day, three meals and some cocktails in the evening - and you have pretty much a perfect birthday.

Saturday saw us return to Bodrum in the morning. Packing everything didn't take too long and soon we were back on the trip to Istanbul, having said good-bye to our Turkish travel companions and Thomas, who were going back to Izmit. After a slightly hazardous taxi drive we checked into our very posh hotel for the last night in Turkey and gathered one last time for a nice dinner, this time on top of the roof terrace next to the Aya Sofia. Jens took over some of our luggage as did Max the next day, not without a last roof terrace lunch and a visit to the Blue Mosque of Sultan Ahmed. And who knew that the Grand Bazaar was closed on Sundays! Throughout the day anticipation started to build for the next leg of the trip and by 8pm we were on the way to Johannesburg.

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